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Wednesday, March 31, 2010
The Woman Men Adore
Http:// The Women Men Adore and Never Want To Leave is a book written by a man who has talked to thousands of women. Do you date often and wonder why you can't seem to find that special someone? Click on the website for a FREE CHAPTER.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Catch Him and Keep Him
What do men want?
Why are men unfaithful?
Why does a guy mean when he says he loves you, but he's not in love with you?
Does your special guy think of you as a source of comfort, joy, love and passion?
Take it from a man who knows - Christian Carter, a relationship expert,
has cracked the code of just these very questions -- and he wants to share it with you.
Want to get inside the man of a man? Christian Carter has written a book that women love called Catch Him and Keep Him
Go True Dating and get inside of his head and find out what does he really want?
Catch Him Keep Him
Christian Carter a well-known relationship expert talks about why some women just don't seem to be able to move from a casual relationship to a committed one.
Ask yourself this question, do I have an all or nothing attitude? Everything is wonderful or everything is horrible attitude? What kind of negative beliefs are running through your head about guys? Stop and think. Subconsciously you are taking this negative attitude into every relationship you have ever. If you don't change this pattern of thinking, then you may be sabotaging your relationship, demand too much too soon and blow it with the best guy that has ever walked into your life. If this describes you, and you don't change this attitude, you could blow the best relationship that has ever walked into your life!.